Weaver, J., Headen, D., Hunckler, M., Coronel, M.M., Stabler, C.L., and García A.J. Design of a vascularized synthetic poly(ethylene glycol) macroencapsulation device for islet transplantation. Biomaterials. 2018; 172 pp. 54-65.

Headen, D.*, Woodward, K.*, Coronel, M.M.*, Shrestha, P., Weaver, J., Zhao, H., Tan, M., Hunckler, M., Bowen, W., Johnson, C., Shea, L., Yolcu, Y., García, A., and Shirwan, H. Local immunomodulation with SA-FasL-engineered biomaterials achieves allogeneic islet graft acceptance. Nature Materials. 2018; 17 pp. 732–739. * (co-first author)

Coronel, M.M., Geusz, R., and Stabler, C.L. Mitigating hypoxic stress on pancreatic islets via in situ oxygen generating biomaterial. Biomaterials. 2017; 129, pp.139-151.