To view the most up-to-date publications visit Prof. Coronel's google scholar
Pham, J.-P. A. & Coronel, M. M. Unlocking Transplant Tolerance with Biomaterials. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2400965 (2024).
Racca, N. M., Dontu, A., Riley, K., Yolcu, E. S., Shirwan, H. & Coronel, M. M. Bending the Rules: Amplifying PD-L1 Immunoregulatory Function Through Flexible Polyethylene Glycol Synthetic Linkers. Tissue Engineering Part A 30, 299–313 (2024).
Coronel, M. M., Linderman, S. W., Martin, K. E., Hunckler, M. D., Medina, J. D., Barber, G., Riley, K., Yolcu, E. S., Shirwan, H. & García, A. J. Delayed graft rejection in autoimmune islet transplantation via biomaterial immunotherapy. American Journal of Transplantation 23, 1709–1722 (2023).
Lei, J. *, Coronel, M. M. *, Yolcu, E. S. * (*Equal Contributions), Deng, H., Grimany-Nuno, O., Hunckler, M. D., Ulker, V., Yang, Z., Lee, K.M., Zhang, A., Luo, H., Peters, C.W., Zou, Z., Chen, T. Wang, Z., McCoy, C., Rosales, I.A., Markmann, J.F., Shirwan, H., García, A. J. FasL microgels induce immune acceptance of islet allografts in nonhuman primates. Science Advances. 2022; 8(19), eabm9881. * (co-first author)
Medina, J.D., Barber, G.F., Coronel, M.M., Hunckler, M.D., Linderman, S.W., Quizon, M.J., Ulker, V., Yolcu, E.S., Shirwan, H., García, A. J. A hydrogel platform for co-delivery of immunomodulatory proteins for pancreatic islet allografts. Journal of Biomedical Research Part A. In press.
Martin, K.E., Kalelkar, P.P., Coronel, M.M., Theriault, H.S., Scheneider, R., García, A.J. Host type 2 immune response to xenogeneic serum components impairs biomaterial-directed osteo-regenerative therapies. Biomaterials. 2022; 121601.
Coronel, M. M., Martin, K. E., Hunckler, M. D., Kalelkar, P., Shah, R. M., García, A. J. (2022). Hydrolytically Degradable Microgels with Tunable Mechanical Properties Modulate the Host Immune Response. Small. 2022; 2106896.
Liang, J.P., Acolla, R.P., Soundirarajan, M., Emerson, A., Coronel, M.M., Stabler, C.L. Engineering a macroporous oxygen-generating scaffold for enhancing islet cell transplantation within an extrahepatic site. Acta Biomaterialia. 2021; 130, pp. 268-280.
Coronel, M.M., Hunckler, M.D., Barber, G., O’Neill, E., Medina, J.M., McClain, C., Batra, L., Weaver, J.D., Lim, H.S., Qiu, P., Botchwey, E., Yolcu, E.Y., Shirwan, H., García, A.J. Immunotherapy via PD-L1-presenting biomaterials leads to long-term islet graft survival. Science Advances. 2020; 6, eaba5573.
Hunckler M., Medina, J., M., Coronel, M.M., Weaver, J., Stabler, C.L., and García, A. Linkage Groups within Thiol-Ene Photoclickable PEG Hydrogels Control In Vivo Stability. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2019: 1900371.
Coronel, M.M., Liang, J., Li, Y. and Stabler, C.L. Oxygen Generating Biomaterial Improves the Function and Efficacy of Beta Cells within a Macroencapsulation Device. Biomaterials. 2019, 210, pp. 1-11.
Weaver, J., Headen, D., Coronel, M.M., Hunckler, M., Shirwan, H., and García A.J. Synthetic poly(ethylene glycol)-based microfluidic islet encapsulation reduces graft volume for delivery to highly vascularized and retrievable transplant site. American Journal of Transplantation. 2018; 19 (5) pp. 1315-1327.
Weaver, J., Headen, D., Hunckler, M., Coronel, M.M., Stabler, C.L., and García A.J. Design of a vascularized synthetic poly(ethylene glycol) macroencapsulation device for islet transplantation. Biomaterials. 2018; 172 pp. 54-65.
Headen, D.*, Woodward, K.*, Coronel, M.M.*, Shrestha, P., Weaver, J., Zhao, H., Tan, M., Hunckler, M., Bowen, W., Johnson, C., Shea, L., Yolcu, Y., García, A., and Shirwan, H. Local immunomodulation with SA-FasL-engineered biomaterials achieves allogeneic islet graft acceptance. Nature Materials. 2018; 17 pp. 732–739. * (co-first author)
Coronel, M.M., Geusz, R., and Stabler, C.L. Mitigating hypoxic stress on pancreatic islets via in situ oxygen generating biomaterial. Biomaterials. 2017; 129, pp.139-151.
Coronel, M.M., and Stabler, C.L. Engineering a local microenvironment for pancreatic islet replacement. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2013; 24.5: 900-908.
Pedraza, E., Coronel, M.M., Fraker, C.A., Ricordi, C., Stabler C.L. Preventing hypoxia-induced cell death in beta cells and islets via hydrolytically activated, oxygen-generating biomaterials. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2012; 109: 4245-50.